
luni, 31 martie 2014

Google modifica regulile pentru aplicatiile Android de pe Google Play

Dupa ce saptamana trecuta am aflat de aici ca unele aplicatii android din Google Play includ malware, iata ca gigantul american Google a si inceput sa ia primele masuri in acest sens.

Hello Google Play Developer,
We are constantly striving to make Google Play a great community for developers and consumers. This requires us to update our policies in accordance with current practices as the ecosystem evolves. This email is to notify you that we’ve made some changes to our policies which are highlighted below.
  • We've updated our content policies to further clarify our stance on sexually explicit material and provide a better experience for our users, including minors
  • We’re introducing the App Promotion policy, which provides guidance on what app promotion tactics are disallowed when promoting your app on Play
  • We’ve introduced a provision that requires you to clearly disclose when an advertised feature in your app’s description requires in-app payment
  • We’ve clarified the System Interference policy to prohibit any browser modifications on behalf of third-parties or advertisements
  • We’ve re-emphasized in the Ads Policy that all advertising behavior must be properly attributed to, or clearly presented in context with the app it came along with
We’ve also updated the Spyware section of our Policy Guidelines Help Site to address surveillance or tracking apps. Please take a look at the Google Play Developer Program Policy to see all the changes and make sure your app complies with our updated policies.

Any new apps or app updates published after this notification will be immediately subject to the latest version of the Program Policy. If you find any existing apps in your catalog that don’t comply, we ask you to unpublish the app, or fix and republish the app within 15 calendar days of receiving this email. After this period, existing apps discovered to be in violation may be subject to warning or removal from Google Play.

Google Play Team

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